Kerala Floods: Immediate and Continuing Efforts are demanded

(Image retrieved from The Guardian)

Last month, one of the worst floods which India has experienced killed more than 300 people in the Indian state of Kerala, according to The Guardian. Theirworld, a non-governmental organization based in the UK, reported that about 650 schools were affected by the floods.

The research conducted by BROOKINGS reported that reopening schools should be one of the primary priorities when natural disasters strike because going to school has positive impact on children in emergency settings. Being out of school for a long time not only disturb children’s continual learning but also deprived them of opportunities to feel normality. Also, children that are taken out of school are more likely to be exposed to violence, trafficking, and other forms of risks. However, only 2% of humanitarian funding for areas affected by conflicts or natural disasters allocated to education.

(Image retrieved from The New Indian Express)

While reopening schools should be recognized as an urgent need for children in emergency, it is also important to notice that reopening school is not a goal, but just a beginning of long-term recovery process from natural disasters.In this India’s case, even though 65% of the schools are already reopened, students are still facing problems such as quality of education and mental health:

  1. Many students lost their textbooks and school uniforms.
  2. Schools’ equipment was damaged.
  3. A lot of students are traumatized.

Especially about taking care of children’s mental health, it is recognized that many children who survived natural disasters experienced anxiety, trauma, neglect, and abandonment. The New Indian Express reported that the state government is planning interventions on the mental health of the children, including a tie-up project with UNICEF and National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS). It is awaited that these projects would be implemented as soon as possible.

At the same time, it should not be ignored to support teachers’ mental health, which is not often mentioned in these articles related to the disaster. Important lessons that we gained from previous natural disasters revealed not only children but also teachers suffer after natural disasters. According to Kahoku Shimpo, many teachers, who survived The great East Japan earthquake happened in 2011, worsened their physical and mental health. It was reported that the percentage of teachers’ mental illnesses was keeping high even though 5 years had passed since the earthquake happened. Teachers play a crucial role in children’s learning and growth. To ensure high quality education in emergency settings, supporting teachers is also necessary.

Recovery from disaster cannot be achieved in a short term. This flood has relocated about 200,000 people from their homes for at least six months. Both immediate and continuing efforts are needed to respond to the damages caused by the disaster.

By: Risa


Greubel, L, Ackerman, X, Winthrop, R. (2012, Oct 31st). Prioritizing Education in the Face of Natural Disasters. BROOKINGS. Retrieved from

Kahoku Shimpo. (2016, Feb 20th). Kyosyokuin Tsunoru Storesu [Increasing Stress of Teachers]. Kahoku Shimpo. Retrieved from

Kumar, D. (2018, Sep 14th). Plan takes shape for mental rehab of flood-hit kids. The New Indian Express. Retrieved from

Safi, M. (2018, Aug 18th). Kerala floods: death toll rises to at least 324 as rescue effort continues. The Guardian. Retrieved from

Save the Children India. (2018, Aug 21st). 70% of Kerala’s Population Hit by Floods, Urgent Support Needed to Rebuild Lives. Save the Children India. Retrieved from

Their News team. (2018, Aug 30th). Hundreds of schools reopen after devastating floods in India. Theirworld. Retrieved from

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